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Current view: top level - buildbot/coverage/build/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus - cegis.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1 1 100.0 %
Date: 2024-10-23 11:38:32 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /******************************************************************************
       2                 :            :  * Top contributors (to current version):
       3                 :            :  *   Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Mathias Preiner
       4                 :            :  *
       5                 :            :  * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
       6                 :            :  *
       7                 :            :  * Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
       8                 :            :  * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
       9                 :            :  * All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
      10                 :            :  * directory for licensing information.
      11                 :            :  * ****************************************************************************
      12                 :            :  *
      13                 :            :  * cegis
      14                 :            :  */
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #include "cvc5_private.h"
      17                 :            : 
      18                 :            : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__CEGIS_H
      19                 :            : #define CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__CEGIS_H
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : #include <map>
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : #include "expr/subs.h"
      24                 :            : #include "smt/env_obj.h"
      25                 :            : #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_module.h"
      26                 :            : #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus_sampler.h"
      27                 :            : 
      28                 :            : namespace cvc5::internal {
      29                 :            : namespace theory {
      30                 :            : namespace quantifiers {
      31                 :            : 
      32                 :            : class SygusEvalUnfold;
      33                 :            : 
      34                 :            : /** Cegis
      35                 :            :  *
      36                 :            :  * The default sygus module for synthesis, counterexample-guided inductive
      37                 :            :  * synthesis (CEGIS).
      38                 :            :  *
      39                 :            :  * It initializes a list of sygus enumerators that are one-to-one with
      40                 :            :  * candidates, and returns a list of candidates that are the model values
      41                 :            :  * of these enumerators on calls to constructCandidates.
      42                 :            :  *
      43                 :            :  * It implements an optimization (getRefinementEvalLemmas) that evaluates all
      44                 :            :  * previous refinement lemmas for a term before returning it as a candidate
      45                 :            :  * in calls to constructCandidates.
      46                 :            :  */
      47                 :            : class Cegis : public SygusModule
      48                 :            : {
      49                 :            :  public:
      50                 :            :   Cegis(Env& env,
      51                 :            :         QuantifiersState& qs,
      52                 :            :         QuantifiersInferenceManager& qim,
      53                 :            :         TermDbSygus* tds,
      54                 :            :         SynthConjecture* p);
      55                 :      28632 :   ~Cegis() override {}
      56                 :            :   /** initialize */
      57                 :            :   virtual bool initialize(Node conj,
      58                 :            :                           Node n,
      59                 :            :                           const std::vector<Node>& candidates) override;
      60                 :            :   /** get term list */
      61                 :            :   virtual void getTermList(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
      62                 :            :                            std::vector<Node>& enums) override;
      63                 :            :   /** construct candidate */
      64                 :            :   virtual bool constructCandidates(
      65                 :            :       const std::vector<Node>& enums,
      66                 :            :       const std::vector<Node>& enum_values,
      67                 :            :       const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
      68                 :            :       std::vector<Node>& candidate_values) override;
      69                 :            :   /** register refinement lemma
      70                 :            :    *
      71                 :            :    * This function stores lem as a refinement lemma, and adds it to lems.
      72                 :            :    */
      73                 :            :   virtual void registerRefinementLemma(const std::vector<Node>& vars,
      74                 :            :                                        Node lem) override;
      75                 :            :   /** using repair const */
      76                 :            :   virtual bool usingRepairConst() override;
      77                 :            : 
      78                 :            :  protected:
      79                 :            :   /** the evaluation unfold utility of d_tds */
      80                 :            :   SygusEvalUnfold* d_eval_unfold;
      81                 :            :   /** If SynthConjecture::d_base_inst is exists y. P( d, y ), then this is y. */
      82                 :            :   std::vector<Node> d_base_vars;
      83                 :            :   /**
      84                 :            :    * If SynthConjecture::d_base_inst is exists y. P( d, y ), then this is the
      85                 :            :    * formula P( SynthConjecture::d_candidates, y ).
      86                 :            :    */
      87                 :            :   Node d_base_body;
      88                 :            :   //----------------------------------cegis-implementation-specific
      89                 :            :   /**
      90                 :            :    * Do cegis-implementation-specific initialization for this class. The return
      91                 :            :    * value and behavior of this function is the same as initialize(...) above.
      92                 :            :    */
      93                 :            :   virtual bool processInitialize(Node conj,
      94                 :            :                                  Node n,
      95                 :            :                                  const std::vector<Node>& candidates);
      96                 :            :   /** do cegis-implementation-specific post-processing for construct candidate
      97                 :            :    *
      98                 :            :    * satisfiedRl is whether all refinement lemmas are satisfied under the
      99                 :            :    * substitution { enums -> enum_values }.
     100                 :            :    *
     101                 :            :    * The return value and behavior of this function is the same as
     102                 :            :    * constructCandidates(...) above.
     103                 :            :    */
     104                 :            :   virtual bool processConstructCandidates(const std::vector<Node>& enums,
     105                 :            :                                           const std::vector<Node>& enum_values,
     106                 :            :                                           const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
     107                 :            :                                           std::vector<Node>& candidate_values,
     108                 :            :                                           bool satisfiedRl);
     109                 :            :   //----------------------------------end cegis-implementation-specific
     110                 :            : 
     111                 :            :   //-----------------------------------refinement lemmas
     112                 :            :   /** refinement lemmas */
     113                 :            :   std::vector<Node> d_refinement_lemmas;
     114                 :            :   /** (processed) conjunctions of refinement lemmas that are not unit */
     115                 :            :   std::unordered_set<Node> d_refinement_lemma_conj;
     116                 :            :   /** (processed) conjunctions of refinement lemmas that are unit */
     117                 :            :   std::unordered_set<Node> d_refinement_lemma_unit;
     118                 :            :   /** substitution entailed by d_refinement_lemma_unit */
     119                 :            :   std::vector<Node> d_rl_eval_hds;
     120                 :            :   std::vector<Node> d_rl_vals;
     121                 :            :   /** all variables appearing in refinement lemmas */
     122                 :            :   std::unordered_set<Node> d_refinement_lemma_vars;
     123                 :            :   /**
     124                 :            :    * Are the counterexamples we are handling in this class of only closed
     125                 :            :    * enumerable types (see TypeNode::isClosedEnumerable). If this is false,
     126                 :            :    * then CEGIS refinement lemmas can contain terms that are unhandled by
     127                 :            :    * theory solvers, e.g. uninterpreted constants.
     128                 :            :    */
     129                 :            :   bool d_cexClosedEnum;
     130                 :            : 
     131                 :            :   /** adds lem as a refinement lemma */
     132                 :            :   void addRefinementLemma(Node lem);
     133                 :            :   /** add refinement lemma conjunct
     134                 :            :    *
     135                 :            :    * This is a helper function for addRefinementLemma.
     136                 :            :    *
     137                 :            :    * This adds waiting[wcounter] to the proper vector (d_refinement_lemma_conj
     138                 :            :    * or d_refinement_lemma_unit). In the case that waiting[wcounter] corresponds
     139                 :            :    * to a value propagation, e.g. it is of the form:
     140                 :            :    *   (eval x = c
     141                 :            :    * then it is added to d_refinement_lemma_unit, (eval x -> c is added
     142                 :            :    * as a substitution in d_rl_eval_hds/d_rl_eval_vals, and applied to previous
     143                 :            :    * lemmas in d_refinement_lemma_conj and lemmas waiting[k] for k>wcounter.
     144                 :            :    * Each lemma in d_refinement_lemma_conj that is modifed in this process is
     145                 :            :    * moved to the vector waiting.
     146                 :            :    */
     147                 :            :   void addRefinementLemmaConjunct(unsigned wcounter,
     148                 :            :                                   std::vector<Node>& waiting);
     149                 :            :   /** sample add refinement lemma
     150                 :            :    *
     151                 :            :    * This function will check if there is a sample point in d_sampler that
     152                 :            :    * refutes the candidate solution (d_quant_vars->vals). If so, it adds a
     153                 :            :    * refinement lemma to the lists d_refinement_lemmas that corresponds to that
     154                 :            :    * sample point, and adds a lemma to d_qim pending lemmas if cegisSample mode
     155                 :            :    * is not trust.
     156                 :            :    */
     157                 :            :   bool sampleAddRefinementLemma(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
     158                 :            :                                 const std::vector<Node>& vals);
     159                 :            : 
     160                 :            :   /** evaluates candidate values on current refinement lemmas
     161                 :            :    *
     162                 :            :    * This method performs techniques that ensure that
     163                 :            :    * { candidates -> candidate_values } is a candidate solution that should
     164                 :            :    * be checked by the solution verifier of the CEGIS loop. This method
     165                 :            :    * invokes two sub-methods which may reject the current solution.
     166                 :            :    * The first is "refinement evaluation", described above the method
     167                 :            :    * getRefinementEvalLemmas below. The second is "evaluation unfolding",
     168                 :            :    * which eagerly unfolds applications of evaluation functions (see
     169                 :            :    * sygus_eval_unfold.h for details).
     170                 :            :    *
     171                 :            :    * If this method returns true, then { candidates -> candidate_values }
     172                 :            :    * is not ready to be tried as a candidate solution. In this case, it may add
     173                 :            :    * lemmas to lems.
     174                 :            :    *
     175                 :            :    * Notice that this method may return true without adding any lemmas to
     176                 :            :    * lems, in the case that terms from candidates are "actively-generated
     177                 :            :    * enumerators", since the model values of such terms are managed
     178                 :            :    * explicitly within getEnumeratedValue. In this case, the owner of the
     179                 :            :    * actively-generated enumerators (e.g. SynthConjecture) is responsible for
     180                 :            :    * blocking the current value of candidates.
     181                 :            :    */
     182                 :            :   bool addEvalLemmas(const std::vector<Node>& candidates,
     183                 :            :                      const std::vector<Node>& candidate_values);
     184                 :            :   /** Get the node corresponding to the conjunction of all refinement lemmas. */
     185                 :            :   Node getRefinementLemmaFormula();
     186                 :            :   //-----------------------------------end refinement lemmas
     187                 :            : 
     188                 :            :   /** Get refinement evaluation lemmas
     189                 :            :    *
     190                 :            :    * This method performs "refinement evaluation", that is, it tests
     191                 :            :    * whether the current solution, given by { vs -> ms },
     192                 :            :    * satisfies all current refinement lemmas. If it does not, it may add
     193                 :            :    * blocking lemmas L to lems which exclude (a generalization of) the current
     194                 :            :    * solution.
     195                 :            :    *
     196                 :            :    * Given a candidate solution ms for candidates vs, this function adds lemmas
     197                 :            :    * to lems based on evaluating the conjecture, instantiated for ms, on lemmas
     198                 :            :    * for previous refinements (d_refinement_lemmas).
     199                 :            :    *
     200                 :            :    * Returns true if any such lemma exists.
     201                 :            :    */
     202                 :            :   bool getRefinementEvalLemmas(const std::vector<Node>& vs,
     203                 :            :                                const std::vector<Node>& ms,
     204                 :            :                                std::vector<Node>& lems);
     205                 :            :   /** Check refinement evaluation lemmas
     206                 :            :    *
     207                 :            :    * This method is similar to above, but does not perform any generalization
     208                 :            :    * techniques. It is used when we are using only fast enumerators for
     209                 :            :    * all functions-to-synthesize.
     210                 :            :    *
     211                 :            :    * Returns true if a refinement lemma is false for the solution
     212                 :            :    * { vs -> ms }.
     213                 :            :    */
     214                 :            :   bool checkRefinementEvalLemmas(const std::vector<Node>& vs,
     215                 :            :                                  const std::vector<Node>& ms);
     216                 :            :   /** sampler object for the option cegisSample()
     217                 :            :    *
     218                 :            :    * This samples points of the type of the inner variables of the synthesis
     219                 :            :    * conjecture (d_base_vars).
     220                 :            :    */
     221                 :            :   SygusSampler d_cegis_sampler;
     222                 :            :   /** cegis sample refine points
     223                 :            :    *
     224                 :            :    * Stores the list of indices of sample points in d_cegis_sampler we have
     225                 :            :    * added as refinement lemmas.
     226                 :            :    */
     227                 :            :   std::unordered_set<unsigned> d_cegis_sample_refine;
     228                 :            : 
     229                 :            :   //---------------------------------for symbolic constructors
     230                 :            :   /** are we using symbolic constants?
     231                 :            :    *
     232                 :            :    * This flag is set ot true if at least one of the enumerators allocated
     233                 :            :    * by this class has been configured to allow model values with symbolic
     234                 :            :    * constructors, such as the "any constant" constructor.
     235                 :            :    */
     236                 :            :   bool d_usingSymCons;
     237                 :            :   //---------------------------------end for symbolic constructors
     238                 :            :   /**
     239                 :            :    * Subsitution for evaluation unfold, which maps functions-to-synthesize
     240                 :            :    * with lambdas in terms of their deep embeddings. For example, if d_f is the
     241                 :            :    * deep embedding of function to synthesize f with argument list
     242                 :            :    * ((x Int) (y Int)), then d_euSubs maps:
     243                 :            :    *   f -> (lambda ((x Int) (y Int)) (DT_SYGUS_EVAL_UNFOLD d_f x y)).
     244                 :            :    */
     245                 :            :   Subs d_euSubs;
     246                 :            : };
     247                 :            : 
     248                 :            : }  // namespace quantifiers
     249                 :            : }  // namespace theory
     250                 :            : }  // namespace cvc5::internal
     251                 :            : 
     252                 :            : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__CEGIS_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14