Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : /****************************************************************************** 2 : : * Top contributors (to current version): 3 : : * Andrew Reynolds, Aina Niemetz 4 : : * 5 : : * This file is part of the cvc5 project. 6 : : * 7 : : * Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS 8 : : * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations. 9 : : * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source 10 : : * directory for licensing information. 11 : : * **************************************************************************** 12 : : * 13 : : * Utilities for management of equality engines. 14 : : */ 15 : : 16 : : #include "cvc5_private.h" 17 : : 18 : : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__EE_MANAGER__H 19 : : #define CVC5__THEORY__EE_MANAGER__H 20 : : 21 : : #include <map> 22 : : #include <memory> 23 : : 24 : : #include "smt/env_obj.h" 25 : : #include "theory/ee_setup_info.h" 26 : : #include "theory/theory.h" 27 : : #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h" 28 : : 29 : : namespace cvc5::internal { 30 : : 31 : : class TheoryEngine; 32 : : 33 : : namespace theory { 34 : : 35 : : class SharedSolver; 36 : : 37 : : /** 38 : : * This is (theory-agnostic) information associated with the management of 39 : : * an equality engine for a single theory. This information is maintained 40 : : * by the manager class below. 41 : : * 42 : : * Currently, this simply is the equality engine itself, for memory 43 : : * management purposes. 44 : : */ 45 : : struct EeTheoryInfo 46 : : { 47 : 689962 : EeTheoryInfo() : d_usedEe(nullptr) {} 48 : : /** Equality engine that is used (if it exists) */ 49 : : eq::EqualityEngine* d_usedEe; 50 : : /** Equality engine allocated specifically for this theory (if it exists) */ 51 : : std::unique_ptr<eq::EqualityEngine> d_allocEe; 52 : : }; 53 : : 54 : : /** Virtual base class for equality engine managers */ 55 : : class EqEngineManager : protected EnvObj 56 : : { 57 : : public: 58 : : /** 59 : : * @param te Reference to the theory engine 60 : : * @param sharedSolver The shared solver that is being used in combination 61 : : * with this equality engine manager 62 : : */ 63 : : EqEngineManager(Env& env, TheoryEngine& te, SharedSolver& shs); 64 : 49027 : virtual ~EqEngineManager() {} 65 : : /** 66 : : * Initialize theories, called during TheoryEngine::finishInit after theory 67 : : * objects have been created but prior to their final initialization. This 68 : : * sets up equality engines for all theories. 69 : : * 70 : : * This method is context-independent, and is applied once during 71 : : * the lifetime of TheoryEngine (during finishInit). 72 : : */ 73 : : virtual void initializeTheories() = 0; 74 : : /** 75 : : * Get the equality engine theory information for theory with the given id. 76 : : */ 77 : : const EeTheoryInfo* getEeTheoryInfo(TheoryId tid) const; 78 : : 79 : : /** Allocate equality engine that is context-dependent on c with info esi */ 80 : : eq::EqualityEngine* allocateEqualityEngine(EeSetupInfo& esi, 81 : : context::Context* c); 82 : : /** 83 : : * Notify this class that we are about to terminate with a model. This method 84 : : * is for debugging only. 85 : : * 86 : : * @param incomplete Whether we are answering "unknown" instead of "sat". 87 : : */ 88 : 13 : virtual void notifyModel(bool incomplete) {} 89 : : 90 : : protected: 91 : : /** Reference to the theory engine */ 92 : : TheoryEngine& d_te; 93 : : /** Reference to the shared solver */ 94 : : SharedSolver& d_sharedSolver; 95 : : /** Information related to the equality engine, per theory. */ 96 : : std::map<TheoryId, EeTheoryInfo> d_einfo; 97 : : }; 98 : : 99 : : } // namespace theory 100 : : } // namespace cvc5::internal 101 : : 102 : : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__EE_MANAGER__H */