LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - buildbot/coverage/build/src/theory/ff - theory_ff.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 1 0.0 %
Date: 2024-11-18 12:41:18 Functions: 0 1 0.0 %
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /******************************************************************************
       2                 :            :  * Top contributors (to current version):
       3                 :            :  *   Alex Ozdemir
       4                 :            :  *
       5                 :            :  * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
       6                 :            :  *
       7                 :            :  * Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
       8                 :            :  * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
       9                 :            :  * All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
      10                 :            :  * directory for licensing information.
      11                 :            :  * ****************************************************************************
      12                 :            :  *
      13                 :            :  * Finite fields theory.
      14                 :            :  *
      15                 :            :  * There is a subtheory for each prime p that handles the field Fp. Essentially
      16                 :            :  * the common theory just multiplexes the sub-theories.
      17                 :            :  *
      18                 :            :  * NB: while most of FF does not build without CoCoA, this class does. So, it
      19                 :            :  * has many ifdef blocks that throw errors without CoCoA.
      20                 :            :  */
      21                 :            : 
      22                 :            : #include "cvc5_private.h"
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__FF__THEORY_FF_H
      25                 :            : #define CVC5__THEORY__FF__THEORY_FF_H
      26                 :            : 
      27                 :            : #include <memory>
      28                 :            : 
      29                 :            : #include "smt/logic_exception.h"
      30                 :            : #include "theory/care_pair_argument_callback.h"
      31                 :            : #include "theory/ff/stats.h"
      32                 :            : #include "theory/ff/sub_theory.h"
      33                 :            : #include "theory/ff/theory_ff_rewriter.h"
      34                 :            : #include "theory/theory.h"
      35                 :            : #include "theory/theory_eq_notify.h"
      36                 :            : #include "theory/theory_inference_manager.h"
      37                 :            : #include "theory/theory_state.h"
      38                 :            : 
      39                 :            : namespace cvc5::internal {
      40                 :            : namespace theory {
      41                 :            : namespace ff {
      42                 :            : 
      43                 :            : class TheoryFiniteFields : public Theory
      44                 :            : {
      45                 :            :  public:
      46                 :            :   /** Constructs a new instance of TheoryFiniteFields */
      47                 :            :   TheoryFiniteFields(Env& env, OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation);
      48                 :            :   ~TheoryFiniteFields() override;
      49                 :            : 
      50                 :            :   //--------------------------------- initialization
      51                 :            :   /** get the official theory rewriter of this theory */
      52                 :            :   TheoryRewriter* getTheoryRewriter() override;
      53                 :            :   /** get the proof checker of this theory */
      54                 :            :   ProofRuleChecker* getProofChecker() override;
      55                 :            :   /**
      56                 :            :    * Returns true if we need an equality engine. If so, we initialize the
      57                 :            :    * information regarding how it should be setup. For details, see the
      58                 :            :    * documentation in Theory::needsEqualityEngine.
      59                 :            :    */
      60                 :            :   bool needsEqualityEngine(EeSetupInfo& esi) override;
      61                 :            :   /** finish initialization */
      62                 :            :   void finishInit() override;
      63                 :            :   //--------------------------------- end initialization
      64                 :            : 
      65                 :            :   //--------------------------------- standard check
      66                 :            :   /** Post-check, called after the fact queue of the theory is processed. */
      67                 :            :   void postCheck(Effort level) override;
      68                 :            :   /** The subtheory saves this for later (postCheck) */
      69                 :            :   void notifyFact(TNode atom, bool pol, TNode fact, bool isInternal) override;
      70                 :            :   //--------------------------------- end standard check
      71                 :            :   /** Lift the common polynomial root to a model */
      72                 :            :   bool collectModelValues(TheoryModel* m,
      73                 :            :                           const std::set<Node>& termSet) override;
      74                 :          0 :   std::string identify() const override { return "THEORY_FF"; }
      75                 :            :   /** preRegister this term or equality with the eq engine */
      76                 :            :   void preRegisterWithEe(TNode node);
      77                 :            :   /**
      78                 :            :    * Trigers the creation of new-subtheories, and used to track the variables of
      79                 :            :    * the polynomial ring that we will build.
      80                 :            :    *
      81                 :            :    * 1. Registers term with the equality engine
      82                 :            :    * 2. Creates a new sub-theory for this term’s sort (if needed)
      83                 :            :    * 3. Gives this term to that sub-theory
      84                 :            :    *   * Maintains a list of all theory leaves (for the variable set X)
      85                 :            :    */
      86                 :            :   void preRegisterTerm(TNode node) override;
      87                 :            :   TrustNode explain(TNode n) override;
      88                 :            : 
      89                 :            :  private:
      90                 :            :   TheoryFiniteFieldsRewriter d_rewriter;
      91                 :            : 
      92                 :            :   /** The state of the ff solver at full effort */
      93                 :            :   TheoryState d_state;
      94                 :            : 
      95                 :            :   /** The inference manager */
      96                 :            :   TheoryInferenceManager d_im;
      97                 :            : 
      98                 :            :   /** Manages notifications from our equality engine */
      99                 :            :   TheoryEqNotifyClass d_eqNotify;
     100                 :            : 
     101                 :            : #ifdef CVC5_USE_COCOA
     102                 :            :   /**
     103                 :            :    * Map from field types to sub-theories.
     104                 :            :    */
     105                 :            :   std::unordered_map<TypeNode, SubTheory> d_subTheories;
     106                 :            : #endif /* CVC5_USE_COCOA */
     107                 :            : 
     108                 :            :   std::unique_ptr<FfStatistics> d_stats;
     109                 :            : }; /* class TheoryFiniteFields */
     110                 :            : 
     111                 :            : }  // namespace ff
     112                 :            : }  // namespace theory
     113                 :            : }  // namespace cvc5::internal
     114                 :            : 
     115                 :            : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__FF__THEORY_FF_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14