LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - buildbot/coverage/build/src/theory/quantifiers/sygus - sygus_explain.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 2 2 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-30 14:24:00 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /******************************************************************************
       2                 :            :  * Top contributors (to current version):
       3                 :            :  *   Andrew Reynolds, Aina Niemetz, Gereon Kremer
       4                 :            :  *
       5                 :            :  * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
       6                 :            :  *
       7                 :            :  * Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
       8                 :            :  * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
       9                 :            :  * All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
      10                 :            :  * directory for licensing information.
      11                 :            :  * ****************************************************************************
      12                 :            :  *
      13                 :            :  * sygus explanations
      14                 :            :  */
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #include "cvc5_private.h"
      17                 :            : 
      18                 :            : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__SYGUS_EXPLAIN_H
      19                 :            : #define CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__SYGUS_EXPLAIN_H
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : #include <vector>
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : #include "expr/node.h"
      24                 :            : #include "smt/env_obj.h"
      25                 :            : 
      26                 :            : namespace cvc5::internal {
      27                 :            : namespace theory {
      28                 :            : namespace quantifiers {
      29                 :            : 
      30                 :            : class SygusInvarianceTest;
      31                 :            : class TermDbSygus;
      32                 :            : 
      33                 :            : /** Recursive term builder
      34                 :            :  *
      35                 :            :  * This is a utility used to generate variants
      36                 :            :  * of a term n, where subterms of n can be replaced
      37                 :            :  * by others via calls to replaceChild(...).
      38                 :            :  *
      39                 :            :  * This class maintains a "context", which indicates
      40                 :            :  * a position in term n. Below, we call the subterm of
      41                 :            :  * the initial term n at this position the "active term".
      42                 :            :  *
      43                 :            :  */
      44                 :            : class TermRecBuild
      45                 :            : {
      46                 :            :  public:
      47                 :      26298 :   TermRecBuild(NodeManager* nm) : d_nm(nm) {}
      48                 :            :   /** set the initial term to n
      49                 :            :    *
      50                 :            :    * The context initially empty, that is,
      51                 :            :    * the active term is initially n.
      52                 :            :    */
      53                 :            :   void init(Node n);
      54                 :            : 
      55                 :            :   /** push the context
      56                 :            :    *
      57                 :            :    * This updates the context so that the
      58                 :            :    * active term is updated to curr[p], where
      59                 :            :    * curr is the previously active term.
      60                 :            :    */
      61                 :            :   void push(unsigned p);
      62                 :            : 
      63                 :            :   /** pop the context */
      64                 :            :   void pop();
      65                 :            :   /** indicates that the i^th child of the active
      66                 :            :    * term should be replaced by r in calls to build().
      67                 :            :    */
      68                 :            :   void replaceChild(unsigned i, Node r);
      69                 :            :   /** get the i^th child of the active term */
      70                 :            :   Node getChild(unsigned i);
      71                 :            :   /** build the (modified) version of the term
      72                 :            :    * we initialized via the call to init().
      73                 :            :    */
      74                 :            :   Node build(unsigned p = 0);
      75                 :            : 
      76                 :            :  private:
      77                 :            :   /** Pointer to the node manager */
      78                 :            :   NodeManager* d_nm;
      79                 :            :   /** stack of active terms */
      80                 :            :   std::vector<Node> d_term;
      81                 :            :   /** stack of children of active terms
      82                 :            :    * Notice that these may be modified with calls to replaceChild(...).
      83                 :            :    */
      84                 :            :   std::vector<std::vector<Node> > d_children;
      85                 :            :   /** stack the kind of active terms */
      86                 :            :   std::vector<Kind> d_kind;
      87                 :            :   /** stack of whether the active terms had an operator */
      88                 :            :   std::vector<bool> d_has_op;
      89                 :            :   /** stack of positions that were pushed via calls to push(...) */
      90                 :            :   std::vector<unsigned> d_pos;
      91                 :            :   /** add term to the context stack */
      92                 :            :   void addTerm(Node n);
      93                 :            : };
      94                 :            : 
      95                 :            : /*The SygusExplain utility
      96                 :            :  *
      97                 :            :  * This class is used to produce explanations for refinement lemmas
      98                 :            :  * in the counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) loop.
      99                 :            :  *
     100                 :            :  * When given an invariance test T traverses the AST of a given term,
     101                 :            :  * uses TermRecBuild to replace various subterms by fresh variables and
     102                 :            :  * recheck whether the invariant, as specified by T still holds.
     103                 :            :  * If it does, then we may exclude the explanation for that subterm.
     104                 :            :  *
     105                 :            :  * For example, say we have that the current value of
     106                 :            :  * (datatype) sygus term n is:
     107                 :            :  *  (if (gt x 0) 0 0)
     108                 :            :  * where if, gt, x, 0 are datatype constructors.
     109                 :            :  * The explanation returned by getExplanationForEquality
     110                 :            :  * below for n and the above term is:
     111                 :            :  *   { ((_ is if) n), ((_ is geq) n.0),
     112                 :            :  *     ((_ is x) n.0.0), ((_ is 0) n.0.1),
     113                 :            :  *     ((_ is 0) n.1), ((_ is 0) n.2) }
     114                 :            :  *
     115                 :            :  * This class can also return more precise
     116                 :            :  * explanations based on a property that holds for
     117                 :            :  * variants of n. For instance,
     118                 :            :  * say we find that n's builtin analog rewrites to 0:
     119                 :            :  *  ite( x>0, 0, 0 ) ----> 0
     120                 :            :  * and we would like to find the minimal explanation for
     121                 :            :  * why the builtin analog of n rewrites to 0.
     122                 :            :  * We use the invariance test EquivSygusInvarianceTest
     123                 :            :  * (see sygus_invariance.h) for doing this.
     124                 :            :  * Using the SygusExplain::getExplanationFor method below,
     125                 :            :  * this will invoke the invariant test to check, e.g.
     126                 :            :  *   ite( x>0, 0, y1 ) ----> 0 ? fail
     127                 :            :  *   ite( x>0, y2, 0 ) ----> 0 ? fail
     128                 :            :  *   ite( y3, 0, 0 ) ----> 0 ? success
     129                 :            :  * where y1, y2, y3 are fresh variables.
     130                 :            :  * Hence the explanation for the condition x>0 is irrelevant.
     131                 :            :  * This gives us the explanation:
     132                 :            :  *   { ((_ is if) n), ((_ is 0) n.1), ((_ is 0) n.2) }
     133                 :            :  * indicating that all terms of the form:
     134                 :            :  *   (if _ 0 0) have a builtin equivalent that rewrites to 0.
     135                 :            :  *
     136                 :            :  * For details, see Reynolds et al SYNT 2017.
     137                 :            :  *
     138                 :            :  * Below, we let [[exp]]_n denote the term induced by
     139                 :            :  * the explanation exp for n.
     140                 :            :  * For example:
     141                 :            :  *   exp = { ((_ is plus) n), ((_ is y) n.1) }
     142                 :            :  * is such that:
     143                 :            :  *   [[exp]]_n = (plus w y)
     144                 :            :  * where w is a fresh variable.
     145                 :            :  */
     146                 :            : class SygusExplain : protected EnvObj
     147                 :            : {
     148                 :            :  public:
     149                 :            :   SygusExplain(Env& env, TermDbSygus* tdb);
     150                 :      14895 :   ~SygusExplain() {}
     151                 :            :   /** get explanation for equality
     152                 :            :    *
     153                 :            :    * This function constructs an explanation, stored in exp, such that:
     154                 :            :    * - All formulas in exp are of the form ((_ is C) ns), where ns
     155                 :            :    *   is a chain of selectors applied to n, and
     156                 :            :    * - exp => ( n = vn )
     157                 :            :    */
     158                 :            :   void getExplanationForEquality(Node n, Node vn, std::vector<Node>& exp);
     159                 :            :   /** returns the conjunction of exp computed in the above function */
     160                 :            :   Node getExplanationForEquality(Node n, Node vn);
     161                 :            : 
     162                 :            :   /** get explanation for equality
     163                 :            :    *
     164                 :            :    * This is identical to the above function except that we
     165                 :            :    * take an additional argument cexc, which says which
     166                 :            :    * children of vn should be excluded from the explanation.
     167                 :            :    *
     168                 :            :    * For example, if vn = plus( plus( x, x ), y ) and cexc is { 0 -> true },
     169                 :            :    * then the following is appended to exp :
     170                 :            :    *   { ((_ is plus) n), ((_ is y) n.1) }
     171                 :            :    * where notice that the 0^th argument of vn is excluded.
     172                 :            :    */
     173                 :            :   void getExplanationForEquality(Node n,
     174                 :            :                                  Node vn,
     175                 :            :                                  std::vector<Node>& exp,
     176                 :            :                                  std::map<unsigned, bool>& cexc);
     177                 :            :   /** returns the conjunction of exp computed in the above function */
     178                 :            :   Node getExplanationForEquality(Node n,
     179                 :            :                                  Node vn,
     180                 :            :                                  std::map<unsigned, bool>& cexc);
     181                 :            : 
     182                 :            :   /** get explanation for
     183                 :            :    *
     184                 :            :    * This function constructs an explanation, stored in exp, such that:
     185                 :            :    * - All formulas in exp are of the form ((_ is C) ns), where ns
     186                 :            :    *   is a chain of selectors applied to n, and
     187                 :            :    * - The test et holds for [[exp]]_n, and
     188                 :            :    * - (if applicable) exp => ( n != vnr ).
     189                 :            :    *
     190                 :            :    * This function updates sz to be the term size of [[exp]]_n.
     191                 :            :    *
     192                 :            :    * If strict is false, then we also test whether the invariance test holds
     193                 :            :    * independently of the entire value of vn.
     194                 :            :    *
     195                 :            :    * The argument var_count is used for tracking the variables that we introduce
     196                 :            :    * to generalize the shape of vn. This map is passed to
     197                 :            :    * TermDbSygus::getFreeVarInc. This argument should be used if we are
     198                 :            :    * calling this function multiple times and the generalization should not
     199                 :            :    * introduce variables that shadow the variables introduced on previous calls.
     200                 :            :    */
     201                 :            :   void getExplanationFor(Node n,
     202                 :            :                          Node vn,
     203                 :            :                          std::vector<Node>& exp,
     204                 :            :                          SygusInvarianceTest& et,
     205                 :            :                          Node vnr,
     206                 :            :                          unsigned& sz);
     207                 :            :   void getExplanationFor(Node n,
     208                 :            :                          Node vn,
     209                 :            :                          std::vector<Node>& exp,
     210                 :            :                          SygusInvarianceTest& et,
     211                 :            :                          Node vnr,
     212                 :            :                          std::map<TypeNode, size_t>& var_count,
     213                 :            :                          unsigned& sz);
     214                 :            :   void getExplanationFor(Node n,
     215                 :            :                          Node vn,
     216                 :            :                          std::vector<Node>& exp,
     217                 :            :                          SygusInvarianceTest& et,
     218                 :            :                          bool strict = true);
     219                 :            :   void getExplanationFor(Node n,
     220                 :            :                          Node vn,
     221                 :            :                          std::vector<Node>& exp,
     222                 :            :                          SygusInvarianceTest& et,
     223                 :            :                          std::map<TypeNode, size_t>& var_count,
     224                 :            :                          bool strict = true);
     225                 :            : 
     226                 :            :  private:
     227                 :            :   /** sygus term database associated with this utility */
     228                 :            :   TermDbSygus* d_tdb;
     229                 :            :   /** Helper function for getExplanationFor
     230                 :            :    * var_count is the number of free variables we have introduced,
     231                 :            :    *   per type, for the purposes of generalizing subterms of n.
     232                 :            :    * vnr_exp stores the explanation, if one exists, for
     233                 :            :    *   n != vnr.  It is only non-null if vnr is non-null.
     234                 :            :    */
     235                 :            :   void getExplanationFor(TermRecBuild& trb,
     236                 :            :                          Node n,
     237                 :            :                          Node vn,
     238                 :            :                          std::vector<Node>& exp,
     239                 :            :                          std::map<TypeNode, size_t>& var_count,
     240                 :            :                          SygusInvarianceTest& et,
     241                 :            :                          Node vnr,
     242                 :            :                          Node& vnr_exp,
     243                 :            :                          int& sz);
     244                 :            : };
     245                 :            : 
     246                 :            : }  // namespace quantifiers
     247                 :            : }  // namespace theory
     248                 :            : }  // namespace cvc5::internal
     249                 :            : 
     250                 :            : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__SYGUS_EXPLAIN_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14