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Current view: top level - buildbot/coverage/build/src/theory - theory_model.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 3 3 100.0 %
Date: 2025-01-17 13:23:36 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /******************************************************************************
       2                 :            :  * Top contributors (to current version):
       3                 :            :  *   Andrew Reynolds, Aina Niemetz, Clark Barrett
       4                 :            :  *
       5                 :            :  * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
       6                 :            :  *
       7                 :            :  * Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
       8                 :            :  * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
       9                 :            :  * All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
      10                 :            :  * directory for licensing information.
      11                 :            :  * ****************************************************************************
      12                 :            :  *
      13                 :            :  * Model class.
      14                 :            :  */
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #include "cvc5_private.h"
      17                 :            : 
      18                 :            : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__THEORY_MODEL_H
      19                 :            : #define CVC5__THEORY__THEORY_MODEL_H
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : #include <unordered_map>
      22                 :            : #include <unordered_set>
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            : #include "expr/node_trie.h"
      25                 :            : #include "smt/env_obj.h"
      26                 :            : #include "theory/ee_setup_info.h"
      27                 :            : #include "theory/rep_set.h"
      28                 :            : #include "theory/type_enumerator.h"
      29                 :            : #include "theory/type_set.h"
      30                 :            : #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
      31                 :            : 
      32                 :            : namespace cvc5::internal {
      33                 :            : 
      34                 :            : class Env;
      35                 :            : 
      36                 :            : namespace theory {
      37                 :            : 
      38                 :            : /** Theory Model class.
      39                 :            :  *
      40                 :            :  * This class represents a model produced by the TheoryEngine.
      41                 :            :  * The data structures used to represent a model are:
      42                 :            :  * (1) d_equalityEngine : an equality engine object, which stores
      43                 :            :  *     an equivalence relation over all terms that exist in
      44                 :            :  *     the current set of assertions.
      45                 :            :  * (2) d_reps : a map from equivalence class representatives of
      46                 :            :  *     the equality engine to the (constant) representatives
      47                 :            :  *     assigned to that equivalence class.
      48                 :            :  * (3) d_uf_models : a map from uninterpreted functions to their
      49                 :            :  *     lambda representation.
      50                 :            :  * (4) d_rep_set : a data structure that allows interpretations
      51                 :            :  *     for types to be represented as terms. This is useful for
      52                 :            :  *     finite model finding.
      53                 :            :  * Additionally, models are dependent on top-level substitutions stored in the
      54                 :            :  * d_env class.
      55                 :            :  *
      56                 :            :  * These data structures are built after a full effort check with
      57                 :            :  * no lemmas sent, within a call to:
      58                 :            :  *    TheoryEngineModelBuilder::buildModel(...)
      59                 :            :  * which includes subcalls to TheoryX::collectModelInfo(...) calls.
      60                 :            :  *
      61                 :            :  * These calls may modify the model object using the interface
      62                 :            :  * functions below, including:
      63                 :            :  * - assertEquality, assertPredicate, assertSkeleton,
      64                 :            :  *   assertEqualityEngine.
      65                 :            :  * - assignFunctionDefinition
      66                 :            :  *
      67                 :            :  * This class provides several interface functions:
      68                 :            :  * - hasTerm, getRepresentative, areEqual, areDisequal
      69                 :            :  * - getEqualityEngine
      70                 :            :  * - getRepSet
      71                 :            :  * - hasAssignedFunctionDefinition, getFunctionsToAssign
      72                 :            :  * - getValue
      73                 :            :  *
      74                 :            :  * The above functions can be used for a model m after it has been
      75                 :            :  * successfully built, i.e. when m->isBuiltSuccess() returns true.
      76                 :            :  *
      77                 :            :  * Additionally, all of the above functions, with the exception of getValue,
      78                 :            :  * can be used during step (5) of TheoryEngineModelBuilder::buildModel, as
      79                 :            :  * documented in theory_model_builder.h. In particular, we make calls to the
      80                 :            :  * above functions such as getRepresentative() when assigning total
      81                 :            :  * interpretations for uninterpreted functions.
      82                 :            :  */
      83                 :            : class TheoryModel : protected EnvObj
      84                 :            : {
      85                 :            :   friend class TheoryEngineModelBuilder;
      86                 :            : 
      87                 :            :  public:
      88                 :            :   TheoryModel(Env& env, std::string name, bool enableFuncModels);
      89                 :            :   virtual ~TheoryModel();
      90                 :            :   /**
      91                 :            :    * Finish init, where ee is the equality engine the model should use.
      92                 :            :    */
      93                 :            :   void finishInit(eq::EqualityEngine* ee);
      94                 :            : 
      95                 :            :   /** reset the model */
      96                 :            :   virtual void reset();
      97                 :            :   //---------------------------- for building the model
      98                 :            :   /** assert equality holds in the model
      99                 :            :    *
     100                 :            :    * This method returns true if and only if the equality engine of this model
     101                 :            :    * is consistent after asserting the equality to this model.
     102                 :            :    */
     103                 :            :   bool assertEquality(TNode a, TNode b, bool polarity);
     104                 :            :   /** assert predicate holds in the model
     105                 :            :    *
     106                 :            :    * This method returns true if and only if the equality engine of this model
     107                 :            :    * is consistent after asserting the predicate to this model.
     108                 :            :    */
     109                 :            :   bool assertPredicate(TNode a, bool polarity);
     110                 :            :   /** assert all equalities/predicates in equality engine hold in the model
     111                 :            :    *
     112                 :            :    * This method returns true if and only if the equality engine of this model
     113                 :            :    * is consistent after asserting the equality engine to this model.
     114                 :            :    */
     115                 :            :   bool assertEqualityEngine(const eq::EqualityEngine* ee,
     116                 :            :                             const std::set<Node>* termSet = NULL);
     117                 :            :   /** assert skeleton
     118                 :            :    *
     119                 :            :    * This method gives a "skeleton" for the model value of the equivalence
     120                 :            :    * class containing n. This should be an application of interpreted function
     121                 :            :    * (e.g. datatype constructor, array store, set union chain). The subterms of
     122                 :            :    * this term that are variables or terms that belong to other theories will
     123                 :            :    * be filled in with model values.
     124                 :            :    *
     125                 :            :    * For example, if we call assertSkeleton on (C x y) where C is a datatype
     126                 :            :    * constructor and x and y are variables, then the equivalence class of
     127                 :            :    * (C x y) will be interpreted in m as (C x^m y^m) where
     128                 :            :    * x^m = m->getValue( x ) and y^m = m->getValue( y ).
     129                 :            :    *
     130                 :            :    * It should be called during model generation, before final representatives
     131                 :            :    * are chosen. In the case of TheoryEngineModelBuilder, it should be called
     132                 :            :    * during Theory's collectModelInfo( ... ) functions.
     133                 :            :    */
     134                 :            :   void assertSkeleton(TNode n);
     135                 :            :   /** set assignment exclusion set
     136                 :            :    *
     137                 :            :    * This method sets the "assignment exclusion set" for term n. This is a
     138                 :            :    * set of terms whose value n must be distinct from in the model.
     139                 :            :    *
     140                 :            :    * This method should be used sparingly, and in a way such that model
     141                 :            :    * building is still guaranteed to succeed. Term n is intended to be an
     142                 :            :    * assignable term, typically of finite type. Thus, for example, this method
     143                 :            :    * should not be called with a vector eset that is greater than the
     144                 :            :    * cardinality of the type of n. Additionally, this method should not be
     145                 :            :    * called in a way that introduces cyclic dependencies on the assignment order
     146                 :            :    * of terms in the model. For example, providing { y } as the assignment
     147                 :            :    * exclusion set of x and { x } as the assignment exclusion set of y will
     148                 :            :    * cause model building to fail.
     149                 :            :    *
     150                 :            :    * The vector eset should contain only terms that occur in the model, or
     151                 :            :    * are constants.
     152                 :            :    *
     153                 :            :    * Additionally, we (currently) require that an assignment exclusion set
     154                 :            :    * should not be set for two terms in the same equivalence class, or to
     155                 :            :    * equivalence classes with an assignable term. Otherwise an
     156                 :            :    * assertion will be thrown by TheoryEngineModelBuilder during model building.
     157                 :            :    */
     158                 :            :   void setAssignmentExclusionSet(TNode n, const std::vector<Node>& eset);
     159                 :            :   /** set assignment exclusion set group
     160                 :            :    *
     161                 :            :    * Given group = { x_1, ..., x_n }, this is semantically equivalent to calling
     162                 :            :    * the above method on the following pairs of arguments:
     163                 :            :    *   x1, eset
     164                 :            :    *   x2, eset + { x_1 }
     165                 :            :    *   ...
     166                 :            :    *   xn, eset + { x_1, ..., x_{n-1} }
     167                 :            :    * Similar restrictions should be considered as above when applying this
     168                 :            :    * method to ensure that model building will succeed. Notice that for
     169                 :            :    * efficiency, the implementation of how the above information is stored
     170                 :            :    * may avoid constructing n copies of eset.
     171                 :            :    */
     172                 :            :   void setAssignmentExclusionSetGroup(const std::vector<TNode>& group,
     173                 :            :                                       const std::vector<Node>& eset);
     174                 :            :   /** get assignment exclusion set for term n
     175                 :            :    *
     176                 :            :    * If n has been given an assignment exclusion set, then this method returns
     177                 :            :    * true and the set is added to eset. Otherwise, the method returns false.
     178                 :            :    *
     179                 :            :    * Additionally, if n was assigned an assignment exclusion set via a call to
     180                 :            :    * setAssignmentExclusionSetGroup, it adds all members that were passed
     181                 :            :    * in the first argument of that call to the vector group. Otherwise, it
     182                 :            :    * adds n itself to group.
     183                 :            :    */
     184                 :            :   bool getAssignmentExclusionSet(TNode n,
     185                 :            :                                  std::vector<Node>& group,
     186                 :            :                                  std::vector<Node>& eset);
     187                 :            :   /** have any assignment exclusion sets been created? */
     188                 :            :   bool hasAssignmentExclusionSets() const;
     189                 :            :   /** set unevaluate/semi-evaluated kind
     190                 :            :    *
     191                 :            :    * This informs this model how it should interpret applications of terms with
     192                 :            :    * kind k in getModelValue. We distinguish four categories of kinds:
     193                 :            :    *
     194                 :            :    * [1] "Evaluated"
     195                 :            :    * This includes (standard) interpreted symbols like NOT, ADD, SET_UNION,
     196                 :            :    * etc. These operators can be characterized by the invariant that they are
     197                 :            :    * "evaluatable". That is, if they are applied to only constants, the rewriter
     198                 :            :    * is guaranteed to rewrite the application to a constant. When getting
     199                 :            :    * the model value of <k>( ) where k is a kind of this category, we
     200                 :            :    * compute the (constant) value of, say this returns, we
     201                 :            :    * return the (constant) result of rewriting <k>( ).
     202                 :            :    *
     203                 :            :    * [2] "Unevaluated"
     204                 :            :    * This includes interpreted symbols like FORALL, EXISTS,
     205                 :            :    * CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT, that are not evaluatable. When getting a model
     206                 :            :    * value for a term <k>( ) where k is a kind of this category, we
     207                 :            :    * check whether <k>( ) exists in the equality engine of this model.
     208                 :            :    * If it does, we return its representative, otherwise we return the term
     209                 :            :    * itself.
     210                 :            :    *
     211                 :            :    * [3] "Semi-evaluated"
     212                 :            :    * This includes kinds like BITVECTOR_ACKERMANNIZE_UDIV, APPLY_SELECTOR and.
     213                 :            :    * SEQ_NTH. Like unevaluated kinds, these kinds do not have an evaluator for
     214                 :            :    * (some) inputs. In contrast to unevaluated kinds, we interpret a term
     215                 :            :    * <k>( ) not appearing in the equality engine as an arbitrary value
     216                 :            :    * instead of the term itself.
     217                 :            :    *
     218                 :            :    * [4] APPLY_UF, where getting the model value depends on an internally
     219                 :            :    * constructed representation of a lambda model value (d_uf_models).
     220                 :            :    * It is optional whether this kind is "evaluated" or "semi-evaluated".
     221                 :            :    * In the case that it is "evaluated", get model rewrites the application
     222                 :            :    * of the lambda model value of its operator to its evaluated arguments.
     223                 :            :    *
     224                 :            :    * By default, all kinds are considered "evaluated". The following methods
     225                 :            :    * change the interpretation of various (non-APPLY_UF) kinds to one of the
     226                 :            :    * above categories and should be called by the theories that own the kind
     227                 :            :    * during Theory::finishInit. We set APPLY_UF to be semi-interpreted when
     228                 :            :    * this model does not enabled function values (this is the case for the model
     229                 :            :    * of TheoryEngine when the option assignFunctionValues is set to false).
     230                 :            :    */
     231                 :            :   void setUnevaluatedKind(Kind k);
     232                 :            :   void setSemiEvaluatedKind(Kind k);
     233                 :            :   /**
     234                 :            :    * Set irrelevant kind. These kinds do not impact model generation, that is,
     235                 :            :    * registered terms in theories of this kind do not need to be sent to
     236                 :            :    * the model. An example is APPLY_TESTER.
     237                 :            :    */
     238                 :            :   void setIrrelevantKind(Kind k);
     239                 :            :   /**
     240                 :            :    * Get the set of irrelevant kinds that have been registered by the above
     241                 :            :    * method.
     242                 :            :    */
     243                 :            :   const std::set<Kind>& getIrrelevantKinds() const;
     244                 :            :   /** is legal elimination
     245                 :            :    *
     246                 :            :    * Returns true if x -> val is a legal elimination of variable x.
     247                 :            :    * In particular, this ensures that val does not have any subterms that
     248                 :            :    * are of unevaluated kinds.
     249                 :            :    */
     250                 :            :   bool isLegalElimination(TNode x, TNode val);
     251                 :            :   //---------------------------- end building the model
     252                 :            : 
     253                 :            :   // ------------------- general equality queries
     254                 :            :   /** does the equality engine of this model have term a? */
     255                 :            :   bool hasTerm(TNode a);
     256                 :            :   /** get the representative of a in the equality engine of this model */
     257                 :            :   Node getRepresentative(TNode a);
     258                 :            :   /** are a and b equal in the equality engine of this model? */
     259                 :            :   bool areEqual(TNode a, TNode b);
     260                 :            :   /** are a and b disequal in the equality engine of this model? */
     261                 :            :   bool areDisequal(TNode a, TNode b);
     262                 :            :   /** get the equality engine for this model */
     263                 :      28035 :   eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine() { return d_equalityEngine; }
     264                 :            :   // ------------------- end general equality queries
     265                 :            : 
     266                 :            :   /** Get value function.
     267                 :            :    * This should be called only after a ModelBuilder
     268                 :            :    * has called buildModel(...) on this model.
     269                 :            :    */
     270                 :            :   Node getValue(TNode n) const;
     271                 :            : 
     272                 :            :   //---------------------------- separation logic
     273                 :            :   /** set the heap and value sep.nil is equal to */
     274                 :            :   void setHeapModel(Node h, Node neq);
     275                 :            :   /** get the heap and value sep.nil is equal to */
     276                 :            :   bool getHeapModel(Node& h, Node& neq) const;
     277                 :            :   //---------------------------- end separation logic
     278                 :            : 
     279                 :            :   /** get domain elements for uninterpreted sort t */
     280                 :            :   std::vector<Node> getDomainElements(TypeNode t) const;
     281                 :            :   /** get the representative set object */
     282                 :     215038 :   const RepSet* getRepSet() const { return &d_rep_set; }
     283                 :            :   /** get the representative set object (FIXME: remove this, see #1199) */
     284                 :      77766 :   RepSet* getRepSetPtr() { return &d_rep_set; }
     285                 :            : 
     286                 :            :   //---------------------------- model cores
     287                 :            :   /** True if a model core has been computed for this model. */
     288                 :            :   bool isUsingModelCore() const;
     289                 :            :   /** set using model core */
     290                 :            :   void setUsingModelCore();
     291                 :            :   /** record model core symbol */
     292                 :            :   void recordModelCoreSymbol(Node sym);
     293                 :            :   /** Return whether symbol expr is in the model core. */
     294                 :            :   bool isModelCoreSymbol(Node sym) const;
     295                 :            :   //---------------------------- end model cores
     296                 :            : 
     297                 :            :   //---------------------------- function values
     298                 :            :   /** Does this model have terms for the given uninterpreted function? */
     299                 :            :   bool hasUfTerms(Node f) const;
     300                 :            :   /** Get the terms for uninterpreted function f */
     301                 :            :   const std::vector<Node>& getUfTerms(Node f) const;
     302                 :            :   /** are function values enabled? */
     303                 :            :   bool areFunctionValuesEnabled() const;
     304                 :            :   /** assign function value f to definition f_def */
     305                 :            :   void assignFunctionDefinition( Node f, Node f_def );
     306                 :            :   /** have we assigned function f? */
     307                 :            :   bool hasAssignedFunctionDefinition(Node f) const;
     308                 :            :   /** get the list of functions to assign. 
     309                 :            :   * This list will contain all terms of function type that are terms in d_equalityEngine.
     310                 :            :   * If higher-order is enabled, we ensure that this list is sorted by type size.
     311                 :            :   * This allows us to assign functions T -> T before ( T x T ) -> T and before ( T -> T ) -> T,
     312                 :            :   * which is required for "dag form" model construction (see TheoryModelBuilder::assignHoFunction).
     313                 :            :   */
     314                 :            :   std::vector< Node > getFunctionsToAssign();
     315                 :            :   //---------------------------- end function values
     316                 :            :   /** Get the name of this model */
     317                 :            :   const std::string& getName() const;
     318                 :            :   /**
     319                 :            :    * For debugging, print the equivalence classes of the underlying equality
     320                 :            :    * engine.
     321                 :            :    */
     322                 :            :   std::string debugPrintModelEqc() const;
     323                 :            : 
     324                 :            :   /**
     325                 :            :    * Is the node n a "value"? This is true if n is a "base value", where
     326                 :            :    * a base value is one where isConst() returns true, a constant-like
     327                 :            :    * value (e.g. a real algebraic number) or if n is a lambda or witness
     328                 :            :    * term.
     329                 :            :    *
     330                 :            :    * We also return true for rewritten nodes whose leafs are base values.
     331                 :            :    * For example, (str.++ (witness ((x String)) (= (str.len x) 1000)) "A") is
     332                 :            :    * a value.
     333                 :            :    */
     334                 :            :   bool isValue(TNode node) const;
     335                 :            : 
     336                 :            :  protected:
     337                 :            :   /**
     338                 :            :    * Get cardinality for sort, where t is an uninterpreted sort.
     339                 :            :    * @param t The sort.
     340                 :            :    * @return the cardinality of the sort, which is the number of representatives
     341                 :            :    * for that sort, or 1 if none exist.
     342                 :            :    */
     343                 :            :   size_t getCardinality(const TypeNode& t) const;
     344                 :            :   /**
     345                 :            :    * Assign that n is the representative of the equivalence class r.
     346                 :            :    * @param r The equivalence class
     347                 :            :    * @param n Its assigned representative
     348                 :            :    * @param isFinal Whether the assignment is final, which impacts whether
     349                 :            :    * we additionally assign function definitions if we are higher-order and
     350                 :            :    * r is a function.
     351                 :            :    */
     352                 :            :   void assignRepresentative(const Node& r, const Node& n, bool isFinal = true);
     353                 :            :   /** Unique name of this model */
     354                 :            :   std::string d_name;
     355                 :            :   /** equality engine containing all known equalities/disequalities */
     356                 :            :   eq::EqualityEngine* d_equalityEngine;
     357                 :            :   /** a set of kinds that are unevaluated */
     358                 :            :   std::unordered_set<Kind, kind::KindHashFunction> d_unevaluated_kinds;
     359                 :            :   /** a set of kinds that are semi-evaluated */
     360                 :            :   std::unordered_set<Kind, kind::KindHashFunction> d_semi_evaluated_kinds;
     361                 :            :   /** The set of irrelevant kinds */
     362                 :            :   std::set<Kind> d_irrKinds;
     363                 :            :   /**
     364                 :            :    * Map of representatives of equality engine to used representatives in
     365                 :            :    * representative set
     366                 :            :    */
     367                 :            :   std::map<Node, Node> d_reps;
     368                 :            :   /** Map of terms to their assignment exclusion set. */
     369                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_assignExcSet;
     370                 :            :   /**
     371                 :            :    * Map of terms to their "assignment exclusion set master". After a call to
     372                 :            :    * setAssignmentExclusionSetGroup, the master of each term in group
     373                 :            :    * (except group[0]) is set to group[0], which stores the assignment
     374                 :            :    * exclusion set for that group in the above map.
     375                 :            :    */
     376                 :            :   std::map<Node, Node> d_aesMaster;
     377                 :            :   /** Reverse of the above map */
     378                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_aesSlaves;
     379                 :            :   /** stores set of representatives for each type */
     380                 :            :   RepSet d_rep_set;
     381                 :            :   /** true/false nodes */
     382                 :            :   Node d_true;
     383                 :            :   Node d_false;
     384                 :            :   /** are we using model cores? */
     385                 :            :   bool d_using_model_core;
     386                 :            :   /** symbols that are in the model core */
     387                 :            :   std::unordered_set<Node> d_model_core;
     388                 :            :   /** Get model value function.
     389                 :            :    *
     390                 :            :    * This function is a helper function for getValue.
     391                 :            :    */
     392                 :            :   Node getModelValue(TNode n) const;
     393                 :            :   /** add term internal
     394                 :            :    *
     395                 :            :    * This will do any model-specific processing necessary for n,
     396                 :            :    * such as constraining the interpretation of uninterpreted functions.
     397                 :            :    * This is called once for all terms in the equality engine, just before
     398                 :            :    * a model builder constructs this model.
     399                 :            :    */
     400                 :            :   virtual void addTermInternal(TNode n);
     401                 :            :   /**
     402                 :            :    * Is base model value?  This is a helper method for isValue, returns true
     403                 :            :    * if n is a base model value.
     404                 :            :    */
     405                 :            :   bool isBaseModelValue(TNode n) const;
     406                 :            :   /** Is assignable function. This returns true if n is not a lambda. */
     407                 :            :   bool isAssignableUf(const Node& n) const;
     408                 :            :   /**
     409                 :            :    * Evaluate semi-evaluated term. This determines if there is a term n' that is
     410                 :            :    * in the equality engine of this model that is congruent to n, if so, it
     411                 :            :    * returns the model value of n', otherwise this returns the null term.
     412                 :            :    * @param n The term to evaluate. We assume it is in rewritten form and
     413                 :            :    * has a semi-evaluated kind (e.g. APPLY_SELECTOR).
     414                 :            :    * @return The entailed model value for n, if it exists.
     415                 :            :    */
     416                 :            :   Node evaluateSemiEvalTerm(TNode n) const;
     417                 :            :   /**
     418                 :            :    * @return The model values of the arguments of n.
     419                 :            :    */
     420                 :            :   std::vector<Node> getModelValueArgs(TNode n) const;
     421                 :            : 
     422                 :            :  private:
     423                 :            :   /** cache for getModelValue */
     424                 :            :   mutable std::unordered_map<Node, Node> d_modelCache;
     425                 :            :   /** whether we have computed d_semiEvalCache yet */
     426                 :            :   mutable bool d_semiEvalCacheSet;
     427                 :            :   /** cache used for evaluateSemiEvalTerm */
     428                 :            :   mutable std::unordered_map<Node, NodeTrie> d_semiEvalCache;
     429                 :            : 
     430                 :            :   //---------------------------- separation logic
     431                 :            :   /** the value of the heap */
     432                 :            :   Node d_sep_heap;
     433                 :            :   /** the value of the nil element */
     434                 :            :   Node d_sep_nil_eq;
     435                 :            :   //---------------------------- end separation logic
     436                 :            : 
     437                 :            :   //---------------------------- function values
     438                 :            :   /** a map from functions f to a list of all APPLY_UF terms with operator f */
     439                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_uf_terms;
     440                 :            :   /** a map from functions f to a list of all HO_APPLY terms with first argument
     441                 :            :    * f */
     442                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_ho_uf_terms;
     443                 :            :   /** whether function models are enabled */
     444                 :            :   bool d_enableFuncModels;
     445                 :            :   /**
     446                 :            :    * Map from function terms to the (lambda) definitions
     447                 :            :    * After the model is built, the domain of this map is all terms of function
     448                 :            :    * type that appear as terms in d_equalityEngine.
     449                 :            :    */
     450                 :            :   std::map<Node, Node> d_uf_models;
     451                 :            :   //---------------------------- end function values
     452                 :            : };/* class TheoryModel */
     453                 :            : 
     454                 :            : }  // namespace theory
     455                 :            : }  // namespace cvc5::internal
     456                 :            : 
     457                 :            : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__THEORY_MODEL_H */

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