LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - buildbot/coverage/build/src/theory/quantifiers - lazy_trie.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 4 4 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-09 13:32:29 Functions: 4 5 80.0 %
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /******************************************************************************
       2                 :            :  * Top contributors (to current version):
       3                 :            :  *   Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Aina Niemetz
       4                 :            :  *
       5                 :            :  * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
       6                 :            :  *
       7                 :            :  * Copyright (c) 2009-2025 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
       8                 :            :  * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
       9                 :            :  * All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
      10                 :            :  * directory for licensing information.
      11                 :            :  * ****************************************************************************
      12                 :            :  *
      13                 :            :  * Lazy trie.
      14                 :            :  */
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__LAZY_TRIE_H
      17                 :            : #define CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__LAZY_TRIE_H
      18                 :            : 
      19                 :            : #include "expr/node.h"
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : namespace cvc5::internal {
      22                 :            : namespace theory {
      23                 :            : namespace quantifiers {
      24                 :            : 
      25                 :            : /** abstract evaluator class
      26                 :            :  *
      27                 :            :  * This class is used for the LazyTrie data structure below.
      28                 :            :  */
      29                 :            : class LazyTrieEvaluator
      30                 :            : {
      31                 :            :  public:
      32                 :      21682 :   virtual ~LazyTrieEvaluator() {}
      33                 :            :   virtual Node evaluate(Node n, unsigned index) = 0;
      34                 :            : };
      35                 :            : 
      36                 :            : /** LazyTrie
      37                 :            :  *
      38                 :            :  * This is a trie where terms are added in a lazy fashion. This data structure
      39                 :            :  * is useful, for instance, when we are only interested in when two terms
      40                 :            :  * map to the same node in the trie but we need not care about computing
      41                 :            :  * exactly where they are.
      42                 :            :  *
      43                 :            :  * In other words, when a term n is added to this trie, we do not insist
      44                 :            :  * that n is placed at the maximal depth of the trie. Instead, we place n at a
      45                 :            :  * minimal depth node that has no children. In this case we say n is partially
      46                 :            :  * evaluated in this trie.
      47                 :            :  *
      48                 :            :  * This class relies on an abstract evaluator interface above, which evaluates
      49                 :            :  * nodes for indices.
      50                 :            :  *
      51                 :            :  * For example, say we have terms a, b, c and an evaluator ev where:
      52                 :            :  *   ev->evaluate( a, 0,1,2 ) = 0, 5, 6
      53                 :            :  *   ev->evaluate( b, 0,1,2 ) = 1, 3, 0
      54                 :            :  *   ev->evaluate( c, 0,1,2 ) = 1, 3, 2
      55                 :            :  * After adding a to the trie, we get:
      56                 :            :  *   root: a
      57                 :            :  * After adding b to the resulting trie, we get:
      58                 :            :  *   root: null
      59                 :            :  *     d_children[0]: a
      60                 :            :  *     d_children[1]: b
      61                 :            :  * After adding c to the resulting trie, we get:
      62                 :            :  *   root: null
      63                 :            :  *     d_children[0]: a
      64                 :            :  *     d_children[1]: null
      65                 :            :  *       d_children[3]: null
      66                 :            :  *         d_children[0] : b
      67                 :            :  *         d_children[2] : c
      68                 :            :  * Notice that we need not call ev->evalute( a, 1 ) and ev->evalute( a, 2 ).
      69                 :            :  */
      70                 :            : class LazyTrie
      71                 :            : {
      72                 :            :  public:
      73                 :      12724 :   LazyTrie() {}
      74                 :      12724 :   ~LazyTrie() {}
      75                 :            :   /** the data at this node, which may be partially evaluated */
      76                 :            :   Node d_lazy_child;
      77                 :            :   /** the children of this node */
      78                 :            :   std::map<Node, LazyTrie> d_children;
      79                 :            :   /** clear the trie */
      80                 :       1824 :   void clear() { d_children.clear(); }
      81                 :            :   /** add n to the trie
      82                 :            :    *
      83                 :            :    * This function returns a node that is mapped to the same node in the trie
      84                 :            :    * if one exists, or n otherwise.
      85                 :            :    *
      86                 :            :    * ev is an evaluator which determines where n is placed in the trie
      87                 :            :    * index is the depth of this node
      88                 :            :    * ntotal is the maximal depth of the trie
      89                 :            :    * forceKeep is whether we wish to force that n is chosen as a representative
      90                 :            :    */
      91                 :            :   Node add(Node n,
      92                 :            :            LazyTrieEvaluator* ev,
      93                 :            :            unsigned index,
      94                 :            :            unsigned ntotal,
      95                 :            :            bool forceKeep);
      96                 :            : };
      97                 :            : 
      98                 :            : using IndTriePair = std::pair<unsigned, LazyTrie*>;
      99                 :            : 
     100                 :            : /** Lazy trie with multiple elements per leaf
     101                 :            :  *
     102                 :            :  * As the above trie, but allows multiple elements per leaf. This is done by
     103                 :            :  * keeping classes of elements associated with each element kept in a leaf,
     104                 :            :  * which is denoted the representative of the class associated with that leaf.
     105                 :            :  *
     106                 :            :  * Another feature of this data structure is to allow the insertion of new
     107                 :            :  * classifiers besides that of data.
     108                 :            :  */
     109                 :            : class LazyTrieMulti
     110                 :            : {
     111                 :            :  public:
     112                 :            :   /** maps representatives to their classes
     113                 :            :    *
     114                 :            :    * the equivalence relation is defined in terms of the tuple of evaluations
     115                 :            :    * under the current classifiers. For example if we currently have three
     116                 :            :    * classifiers and four elements -- a,b,c,d -- have been inserted into the
     117                 :            :    * trie such that their evaluation on the classifiers are:
     118                 :            :    *
     119                 :            :    * a -> (0, 0, 0)
     120                 :            :    * b -> (1, 3, 0)
     121                 :            :    * c -> (1, 3, 0)
     122                 :            :    * d -> (1, 3, 0)
     123                 :            :    *
     124                 :            :    * then a is the representative of the class {a}, while b of the class {b,c,d}
     125                 :            :     */
     126                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>> d_rep_to_class;
     127                 :            :   /** adds a new classifier to the trie
     128                 :            :    *
     129                 :            :    * When a new classifier is added a new level is added to each leaf that has
     130                 :            :    * data and the class associated with the element is the leaf is separated
     131                 :            :    * according to the new classifier.
     132                 :            :    *
     133                 :            :    * For example in the following trie with three classifiers:
     134                 :            :    *
     135                 :            :    *   root: null
     136                 :            :    *     d_children[0]: a -> {a}
     137                 :            :    *     d_children[1]: null
     138                 :            :    *       d_children[3]: null
     139                 :            :    *         d_children[0] : b -> {b, c, d}
     140                 :            :    *
     141                 :            :    * to which we add a fourth classifier C such that C(b) = 0, C(c) = 1, C(d) =
     142                 :            :    * 1 we have the resulting trie:
     143                 :            :    *
     144                 :            :    *   root: null
     145                 :            :    *     d_children[0]: a -> {a}
     146                 :            :    *     d_children[1]: null
     147                 :            :    *       d_children[3]: null
     148                 :            :    *         d_children[0] : null
     149                 :            :    *           d_children[0] : b -> {b}
     150                 :            :    *           d_children[1] : c -> {c, d}
     151                 :            :    *
     152                 :            :    * ntotal is the number of classifiers before the addition of the new one. In
     153                 :            :    * the above example it would be 3.
     154                 :            :    */
     155                 :            :   void addClassifier(LazyTrieEvaluator* ev, unsigned ntotal);
     156                 :            :   /** adds an element to the trie
     157                 :            :    *
     158                 :            :    * If f ends it in a leaf that already contains an element, it is added to the
     159                 :            :    * class of that element. Otherwise it becomes the representative of the class
     160                 :            :    * containing only itself.
     161                 :            :    */
     162                 :            :   Node add(Node f, LazyTrieEvaluator* ev, unsigned ntotal);
     163                 :            :   /** clear the trie */
     164                 :            :   void clear();
     165                 :            : 
     166                 :            :   /** A regular lazy trie */
     167                 :            :   LazyTrie d_trie;
     168                 :            : };
     169                 :            : 
     170                 :            : }  // namespace quantifiers
     171                 :            : }  // namespace theory
     172                 :            : }  // namespace cvc5::internal
     173                 :            : 
     174                 :            : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__LAZY_TRIE_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14