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Current view: top level - buildbot/coverage/build/src/theory/quantifiers - sygus_sampler.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 2 2 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-14 14:34:19 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %
Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /******************************************************************************
       2                 :            :  * Top contributors (to current version):
       3                 :            :  *   Andrew Reynolds, Aina Niemetz, Fabian Wolff
       4                 :            :  *
       5                 :            :  * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
       6                 :            :  *
       7                 :            :  * Copyright (c) 2009-2025 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
       8                 :            :  * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
       9                 :            :  * All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
      10                 :            :  * directory for licensing information.
      11                 :            :  * ****************************************************************************
      12                 :            :  *
      13                 :            :  * sygus_sampler
      14                 :            :  */
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #include "cvc5_private.h"
      17                 :            : 
      18                 :            : #ifndef CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__SYGUS_SAMPLER_H
      19                 :            : #define CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__SYGUS_SAMPLER_H
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : #include <map>
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : #include "smt/env_obj.h"
      24                 :            : #include "theory/quantifiers/lazy_trie.h"
      25                 :            : #include "theory/quantifiers/term_enumeration.h"
      26                 :            : 
      27                 :            : namespace cvc5::internal {
      28                 :            : 
      29                 :            : class Env;
      30                 :            : 
      31                 :            : namespace theory {
      32                 :            : namespace quantifiers {
      33                 :            : 
      34                 :            : class TermDbSygus;
      35                 :            : 
      36                 :            : /** SygusSampler
      37                 :            :  *
      38                 :            :  * This class can be used to test whether two expressions are equivalent
      39                 :            :  * by random sampling. We use this class for the following options:
      40                 :            :  *
      41                 :            :  * sygus-rr-synth: synthesize candidate rewrite rules by finding two terms
      42                 :            :  * t1 and t2 do not rewrite to the same term, but are identical when considering
      43                 :            :  * a set of sample points, and
      44                 :            :  *
      45                 :            :  * sygus-rr-verify: detect unsound rewrite rules by finding two terms t1 and
      46                 :            :  * t2 that rewrite to the same term, but not identical when considering a set
      47                 :            :  * of sample points.
      48                 :            :  *
      49                 :            :  * To use this class:
      50                 :            :  * (1) Call initialize( tds, f, nsamples) where f is sygus datatype term.
      51                 :            :  * (2) For terms n1....nm enumerated that correspond to builtin analog of sygus
      52                 :            :  * term f, we call registerTerm( n1 )....registerTerm( nm ). It may be the case
      53                 :            :  * that registerTerm( ni ) returns nj for some j < i. In this case, we have that
      54                 :            :  * ni and nj are equivalent under the sample points in this class.
      55                 :            :  *
      56                 :            :  * For example, say the grammar for f is:
      57                 :            :  *   A = 0 | 1 | x | y | A+A | ite( B, A, A )
      58                 :            :  *   B = A <= A
      59                 :            :  * If we call initialize( tds, f, 5 ), this class will generate 5 random sample
      60                 :            :  * points for (x,y), say (0,0), (1,1), (0,1), (1,0), (2,2). The return values
      61                 :            :  * of successive calls to registerTerm are listed below.
      62                 :            :  *   registerTerm( 0 ) -> 0
      63                 :            :  *   registerTerm( x ) -> x
      64                 :            :  *   registerTerm( x+y ) -> x+y
      65                 :            :  *   registerTerm( y+x ) -> x+y
      66                 :            :  *   registerTerm( x+ite(x <= 1+1, 0, y ) ) -> x
      67                 :            :  * Notice that the number of sample points can be configured for the above
      68                 :            :  * options using sygus-samples=N.
      69                 :            :  */
      70                 :            : class SygusSampler : protected EnvObj, public LazyTrieEvaluator
      71                 :            : {
      72                 :            :  public:
      73                 :            :   SygusSampler(Env& env);
      74                 :      21847 :   ~SygusSampler() override {}
      75                 :            : 
      76                 :            :   /** initialize
      77                 :            :    *
      78                 :            :    * tn : the return type of terms we will be testing with this class,
      79                 :            :    * vars : the variables we are testing substitutions for,
      80                 :            :    * nsamples : number of sample points this class will test,
      81                 :            :    * unique_type_ids : if this is set to true, then we consider each variable
      82                 :            :    * in vars to have a unique "type id". A type id is a finer-grained notion of
      83                 :            :    * type that is used to determine when a rewrite rule is redundant.
      84                 :            :    */
      85                 :            :   virtual void initialize(TypeNode tn,
      86                 :            :                           const std::vector<Node>& vars,
      87                 :            :                           unsigned nsamples,
      88                 :            :                           bool unique_type_ids = false);
      89                 :            :   /** initialize sygus
      90                 :            :    *
      91                 :            :    * qe : pointer to quantifiers engine,
      92                 :            :    * f : a term of some SyGuS datatype type whose values we will be
      93                 :            :    * testing under the free variables in the grammar of f,
      94                 :            :    * nsamples : number of sample points this class will test,
      95                 :            :    * useSygusType : whether we will register terms with this sampler that have
      96                 :            :    * the same type as f. If this flag is false, then we will be registering
      97                 :            :    * terms of the analog of the type of f, that is, the builtin type that
      98                 :            :    * f's type encodes in the deep embedding.
      99                 :            :    */
     100                 :            :   virtual void initializeSygus(TypeNode ftn, unsigned nsamples);
     101                 :            :   /** register term n with this sampler database
     102                 :            :    *
     103                 :            :    * forceKeep is whether we wish to force that n is chosen as a representative
     104                 :            :    * value in the trie.
     105                 :            :    */
     106                 :            :   virtual Node registerTerm(Node n, bool forceKeep = false);
     107                 :            :   /** get number of sample points */
     108                 :        137 :   unsigned getNumSamplePoints() const { return d_samples.size(); }
     109                 :            :   /** get variables, adds d_vars to vars */
     110                 :            :   void getVariables(std::vector<Node>& vars) const;
     111                 :            :   /** get sample point
     112                 :            :    *
     113                 :            :    * Appends sample point #index to the vector pt, d_vars to vars.
     114                 :            :    */
     115                 :            :   const std::vector<Node>& getSamplePoint(size_t index) const;
     116                 :            :   /** Add pt to the set of sample points considered by this sampler */
     117                 :            :   void addSamplePoint(const std::vector<Node>& pt);
     118                 :            :   /** evaluate n on sample point index */
     119                 :            :   Node evaluate(Node n, unsigned index) override;
     120                 :            :   /**
     121                 :            :    * Compute the variables from the domain of d_var_index that occur in n,
     122                 :            :    * store these in the vector fvs.
     123                 :            :    */
     124                 :            :   void computeFreeVariables(Node n, std::vector<Node>& fvs);
     125                 :            :   /**
     126                 :            :    * Returns the index of a sample point such that the evaluation of a and b
     127                 :            :    * diverge, or -1 if no such sample point exists.
     128                 :            :    */
     129                 :            :   int getDiffSamplePointIndex(Node a, Node b);
     130                 :            : 
     131                 :            :   //--------------------------queries about terms
     132                 :            :   /** is contiguous
     133                 :            :    *
     134                 :            :    * This returns whether n's free variables (terms occurring in the range of
     135                 :            :    * d_type_vars) are a prefix of the list of variables in d_type_vars for each
     136                 :            :    * type id. For instance, if d_type_vars[id] = { x, y } for some id, then
     137                 :            :    * 0, x, x+y, y+x are contiguous but y is not. This is useful for excluding
     138                 :            :    * terms from consideration that are alpha-equivalent to others.
     139                 :            :    */
     140                 :            :   bool isContiguous(Node n);
     141                 :            :   /** is ordered
     142                 :            :    *
     143                 :            :    * This returns whether n's free variables are in order with respect to
     144                 :            :    * variables in d_type_vars for each type. For instance, if
     145                 :            :    * d_type_vars[id] = { x, y } for some id, then 0, x, x+y are ordered but
     146                 :            :    * y and y+x are not.
     147                 :            :    */
     148                 :            :   bool isOrdered(Node n);
     149                 :            :   /** is linear
     150                 :            :    *
     151                 :            :    * This returns whether n contains at most one occurrence of each free
     152                 :            :    * variable. For example, x, x+y are linear, but x+x, (x-y)+y, (x+0)+(x+0) are
     153                 :            :    * non-linear.
     154                 :            :    */
     155                 :            :   bool isLinear(Node n);
     156                 :            :   /** check variables
     157                 :            :    *
     158                 :            :    * This returns false if !isOrdered(n) and checkOrder is true or !isLinear(n)
     159                 :            :    * if checkLinear is true, or false otherwise.
     160                 :            :    */
     161                 :            :   bool checkVariables(Node n, bool checkOrder, bool checkLinear);
     162                 :            :   /** contains free variables
     163                 :            :    *
     164                 :            :    * Returns true if the free variables of b are a subset of those in a, where
     165                 :            :    * we require a strict subset if strict is true. Free variables are those that
     166                 :            :    * occur in the range d_type_vars.
     167                 :            :    */
     168                 :            :   bool containsFreeVariables(Node a, Node b, bool strict = false);
     169                 :            :   //--------------------------end queries about terms
     170                 :            : 
     171                 :            :  protected:
     172                 :            :   /** sygus term database of d_qe */
     173                 :            :   TermDbSygus* d_tds;
     174                 :            :   /** term enumerator object (used for random sampling) */
     175                 :            :   TermEnumeration d_tenum;
     176                 :            :   /** samples */
     177                 :            :   std::vector<std::vector<Node> > d_samples;
     178                 :            :   /** data structure to check duplication of sample points */
     179                 :            :   class PtTrie
     180                 :            :   {
     181                 :            :    public:
     182                 :            :     /** add pt to this trie, returns true if pt is not a duplicate. */
     183                 :            :     bool add(std::vector<Node>& pt);
     184                 :            : 
     185                 :            :    private:
     186                 :            :     /** the children of this node */
     187                 :            :     std::map<Node, PtTrie> d_children;
     188                 :            :   };
     189                 :            :   /** a trie for samples */
     190                 :            :   PtTrie d_samples_trie;
     191                 :            :   /** the sygus type for this sampler (if applicable). */
     192                 :            :   TypeNode d_ftn;
     193                 :            :   /** whether we are registering terms of sygus types with this sampler */
     194                 :            :   bool d_use_sygus_type;
     195                 :            :   /**
     196                 :            :    * For each (sygus) type, a map from builtin terms to the sygus term they
     197                 :            :    * correspond to.
     198                 :            :    */
     199                 :            :   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, Node> > d_builtin_to_sygus;
     200                 :            :   /** all variables we are sampling values for */
     201                 :            :   std::vector<Node> d_vars;
     202                 :            :   /** type variables
     203                 :            :    *
     204                 :            :    * We group variables according to "type ids". Two variables have the same
     205                 :            :    * type id if they have indistinguishable status according to this sampler.
     206                 :            :    * This is a finer-grained grouping than types. For example, two variables
     207                 :            :    * of the same type may have different type ids if they occur as constructors
     208                 :            :    * of a different set of sygus types in the grammar we are considering.
     209                 :            :    * For instance, we assign x and y different type ids in this grammar:
     210                 :            :    *   A -> B + C
     211                 :            :    *   B -> x | 0 | 1
     212                 :            :    *   C -> y
     213                 :            :    * Type ids are computed for each variable in d_vars during initialize(...).
     214                 :            :    *
     215                 :            :    * For each type id, a list of variables in the grammar we are considering,
     216                 :            :    * for that type. These typically correspond to the arguments of the
     217                 :            :    * function-to-synthesize whose grammar we are considering.
     218                 :            :    */
     219                 :            :   std::map<unsigned, std::vector<Node> > d_type_vars;
     220                 :            :   /**
     221                 :            :    * A map all variables in the grammar we are considering to their index in
     222                 :            :    * d_type_vars.
     223                 :            :    */
     224                 :            :   std::map<Node, unsigned> d_var_index;
     225                 :            :   /**  Map from variables to the id (the domain of d_type_vars). */
     226                 :            :   std::map<Node, unsigned> d_type_ids;
     227                 :            :   /** constants
     228                 :            :    *
     229                 :            :    * For each type, a list of constants in the grammar we are considering, for
     230                 :            :    * that type.
     231                 :            :    */
     232                 :            :   std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node> > d_type_consts;
     233                 :            :   /** a lazy trie for each type
     234                 :            :    *
     235                 :            :    * This stores the evaluation of all terms registered to this class.
     236                 :            :    *
     237                 :            :    * Notice if we are registering sygus terms with this class, then terms
     238                 :            :    * are grouped into this trie according to their sygus type, and not their
     239                 :            :    * builtin type. For example, for grammar:
     240                 :            :    *   A -> x | B+1
     241                 :            :    *   B -> x | 0 | 1 | B+B
     242                 :            :    * If we register C^B_+( C^B_x(), C^B_0() ) and C^A_x() with this class,
     243                 :            :    * then x+0 is registered to d_trie[B] and x is registered to d_trie[A],
     244                 :            :    * and no rewrite rule is reported. The reason for this is that otherwise
     245                 :            :    * we would end up reporting many useless rewrites since the same builtin
     246                 :            :    * term can be generated by multiple sygus types (e.g. C^B_x() and C^A_x()).
     247                 :            :    */
     248                 :            :   std::map<TypeNode, LazyTrie> d_trie;
     249                 :            :   /** is this sampler valid?
     250                 :            :    *
     251                 :            :    * A sampler can be invalid if sample points cannot be generated for a type
     252                 :            :    * of an argument to function f.
     253                 :            :    */
     254                 :            :   bool d_is_valid;
     255                 :            :   /** initialize samples
     256                 :            :    *
     257                 :            :    * Adds nsamples sample points to d_samples.
     258                 :            :    */
     259                 :            :   void initializeSamples(unsigned nsamples);
     260                 :            :   /** get random value for a type
     261                 :            :    *
     262                 :            :    * Returns a random value for the given type based on the random number
     263                 :            :    * generator. Currently, supported types:
     264                 :            :    *
     265                 :            :    * Bool, Bitvector : returns a random value in the range of that type.
     266                 :            :    * Int, String : returns a random string of values in (base 10) of random
     267                 :            :    * length, currently by a repeated coin flip.
     268                 :            :    * Real : returns the division of two random integers, where the denominator
     269                 :            :    * is omitted if it is zero.
     270                 :            :    */
     271                 :            :   Node getRandomValue(TypeNode tn);
     272                 :            :   /** get sygus random value
     273                 :            :    *
     274                 :            :    * Returns a random value based on the sygus type tn. The return value is
     275                 :            :    * a constant in the analog type of tn. This function chooses either to
     276                 :            :    * return a random value, or otherwise will construct a constant based on
     277                 :            :    * a random constructor of tn whose builtin operator is not a variable.
     278                 :            :    *
     279                 :            :    * rchance: the chance that the call to this function will be forbidden
     280                 :            :    * from making recursive calls and instead must return a value based on
     281                 :            :    * a nullary constructor of tn or based on getRandomValue above.
     282                 :            :    * rinc: the percentage to increment rchance on recursive calls.
     283                 :            :    *
     284                 :            :    * For example, consider the grammar:
     285                 :            :    *   A -> x | y | 0 | 1 | +( A, A ) | ite( B, A, A )
     286                 :            :    *   B -> A = A
     287                 :            :    * If we call this function on A and rchance is 0.0, there are five evenly
     288                 :            :    * chosen possibilities, either we return a random value via getRandomValue
     289                 :            :    * above, or we choose one of the four non-variable constructors of A.
     290                 :            :    * Say we choose ite, then we recursively call this function for
     291                 :            :    * B, A, and A, which return constants c1, c2, and c3. Then, this function
     292                 :            :    * returns the rewritten form of ite( c1, c2, c3 ).
     293                 :            :    * If on the other hand, rchance was 0.5 and rand() < 0.5. Then, we force
     294                 :            :    * this call to terminate by either selecting a random value via
     295                 :            :    * getRandomValue, 0 or 1.
     296                 :            :    */
     297                 :            :   Node getSygusRandomValue(TypeNode tn,
     298                 :            :                            double rchance,
     299                 :            :                            double rinc,
     300                 :            :                            unsigned depth = 0);
     301                 :            :   /** map from sygus types to non-variable constructors */
     302                 :            :   std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<unsigned> > d_rvalue_cindices;
     303                 :            :   /** map from sygus types to non-variable nullary constructors */
     304                 :            :   std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<unsigned> > d_rvalue_null_cindices;
     305                 :            :   /** the random string alphabet */
     306                 :            :   std::vector<unsigned> d_rstring_alphabet;
     307                 :            :   /** map from variables to sygus types that include them */
     308                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<TypeNode> > d_var_sygus_types;
     309                 :            :   /** map from constants to sygus types that include them */
     310                 :            :   std::map<Node, std::vector<TypeNode> > d_const_sygus_types;
     311                 :            :   /** register sygus type, initializes the above two data structures */
     312                 :            :   void registerSygusType(TypeNode tn);
     313                 :            : };
     314                 :            : 
     315                 :            : }  // namespace quantifiers
     316                 :            : }  // namespace theory
     317                 :            : }  // namespace cvc5::internal
     318                 :            : 
     319                 :            : #endif /* CVC5__THEORY__QUANTIFIERS__SYGUS_SAMPLER_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14